Dec 20, 2018
- Cyndi Doyle, law enforcement officer’s wife and licensed professional counselor, created a fun and humorous list of why having a first responder spouse during the holidays can be quite enjoyable!
- Intro and Outro music by Big State “Bad Timing / Bad Luck”
- First Responder Holiday List:...
Dec 13, 2018
- Cyndi Doyle, law enforcement officer’s wife and licensed professional counselor, brings author, Adam Davis, back to talk about his newest devotional book Bulletproof Marriage, which he co-wrote with Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, to help LE couples avoid pitfalls.
- Intro and Outro music by Big State “Bad...
Dec 6, 2018
- Cyndi Doyle, law enforcement officer’s wife and licensed professional counselor, was asked by a fellow LEO wife to talk about the importance of knowing what quality time means to us in our relationships.
- Intro and Outro music by Big State “Bad Timing / Bad Luck”
- The 3 Conflicts...