Dec 6, 2022
Cyndi Doyle LPCS and LEO wife updates you with where she has been and what has been going on in her life. Part of the story involves her husband, Bobby Doyle, and she needed and wanted to extend some time to him until he was okay with sharing. She doesn't share all the details, but he agreed that he needs to share...
Sep 9, 2022
What is an extreme event and how do you handle them when they occur?
As schools have started the new school year, Uvalde has been on my mind. When Dr. Katherine Kuhlman offered to come on and talk about mass events, I moved to get her on the podcast. She has been speaking on national media outlets about these events...
May 13, 2022
Curmudgeon: a bad tempered person, especially an old person. This episode is a conversation with Cyndi and her husband Lt. Bobby Doyle (Ret.) where Bobby admits he is a recovering curmudgeon. Bobby shares his story of why he needed to make a change. His old school mindset needed to shift into one based off the needs of...
May 6, 2022
Behaviors that keep officers safe of the job can have negative impact on relationships with those they love.
The command presence that officers must have on the job is conditioned and can occur at home in certain situations.
This episode is a conversation with Cyndi and her husband Bobby (ret). They share not only...
Apr 29, 2022
Parenting is hard. It can be even harder when you are trying to parent in a Law Enforcement Family. Our officer's brain needs time to come down from the hypervigilance high that keeps them safe on the job. Their authoritarian mindset that keeps a scene under control during shift needs to shift to one that is condusive...