Mar 30, 2018
- Cyndi Doyle, law enforcement officer’s wife and licensed professional counselor, is joined by her Darling Husband again to discuss Col. Jeff Cooper’s Awareness Color Code and how that pertains to first responders and also their spouses.
- Intro and Outro music by Big State “Bad Timing / Bad...
Mar 23, 2018
- Cyndi Doyle, law enforcement officer’s wife and licensed professional counselor, interviews former police officer turned author, Adam Davis. Adam talks about his experience as an officer and what led him to become an author.
- Intro and Outro music by Big State “Bad Timing / Bad Luck”
- ...
Mar 16, 2018
- Cyndi Doyle, law enforcement officer’s wife and licensed professional counselor, was certified recently in Critical Incident Stress Management and feels that this would be very beneficial in helping first responders. She talks about what she learned in the class and how you can sign up as well.
Mar 9, 2018
- Cyndi Doyle, law enforcement officer’s wife and licensed professional counselor, sits down with her Darling Husband to discuss stress management for his podcast debut!
- Intro and Outro music by Big State “Bad Timing / Bad Luck”