Dec 20, 2018
- Cyndi Doyle, law enforcement officer’s wife and licensed professional counselor, created a fun and humorous list of why having a first responder spouse during the holidays can be quite enjoyable!
- Intro and Outro music by Big State “Bad Timing / Bad Luck”
- First Responder Holiday List:...
Dec 13, 2018
- Cyndi Doyle, law enforcement officer’s wife and licensed professional counselor, brings author, Adam Davis, back to talk about his newest devotional book Bulletproof Marriage, which he co-wrote with Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, to help LE couples avoid pitfalls.
- Intro and Outro music by Big State “Bad...
Dec 6, 2018
- Cyndi Doyle, law enforcement officer’s wife and licensed professional counselor, was asked by a fellow LEO wife to talk about the importance of knowing what quality time means to us in our relationships.
- Intro and Outro music by Big State “Bad Timing / Bad Luck”
- The 3 Conflicts...
Jul 27, 2018
- Cyndi Doyle, law enforcement officer’s wife and licensed professional counselor, discusses the possible underlying complaints behind nags or even controlling remarks and how to get curious about those in order to discuss them with your significant other in a healthy manor.
- Intro and Outro music by...
Jul 6, 2018
- Cyndi Doyle, law enforcement officer’s wife and licensed professional counselor, talks about critical incident anniversaries and how they impact our first responder spouses and how we can help them walk through that.
- Intro and Outro music by Big State “Bad Timing / Bad Luck”